Naze Nani Megatokyo
Naze Nani Megatokyo (also referred to as "NNM") is a series of strips that originally served to give some behind the scenes information on the comic. The titling of this strip type is Japanese and stands for "The How and Why of Megatokyo". The entire concept of these strips is a spoof of the anime Martian Successor Nadesico. (The very first NNM actually explains all of this information, in keeping with its informative theme.) This series has drifted some from its initial purpose and now seems to be used primarily as humorous filler in place of a story strip.
It is believed by many fans that some of these strips hold much deeper insights on the comic than are revealed upon initial reading. The most notable examples of this are NNM: reality-pyo and NNM: Suicidal Rocket Tap.
List of strips
Date | Strip | Title (strip list) | Title (in the strip) |
11 Sep 2000 | 13 | Cosplay Blues | NNM:01 |
8 Dec 2000 | 51 | Naze Nani: what if... | NNM:02 |
20 Apr 2001 | 109 | Naze Nani: 4 panel format | NNM:03 |
13 Jun 2001 | 132 | NNM: reality-pyo | NNM:04 |
4 Feb 2002 | 220 | Naze Nani MT: Of Trolls & Flames | NNM:05 |
15 Feb 2002 | 225 | Doko Kana Megatokyo! | NNM:06 |
25 Jul 2003 | 440 | NNM: Suicidal Rocket Tap | NNM:07 |
16 Apr 2014 | 1391 | Naze Nani Megatokyo: Omnibuses and Old Art | NNM:08 |
14 Aug 2020 | 1584 | Naze Nani Megatokyo: 20 Years Later… | NNM:08 |